மாணவர்களுக்கு கதைகள், பொது அறிவு தகவல்கள், யோகா, உடல்நலம், அறிஞர் வாழ்வில் என பல பயனுள்ள தகவல்களை நமது வலைத்தளத்தில் தெரிந்துகொள்ளலாம்.


Wednesday 21 July 2021

Bheema and Jarasandha... Tales from the Puranas..!

 Bheema and Jarasandha.

            Long ago, there lived a cruel king named Jarasandha. He defeated and imprisoned the kings from his neighbouring countries.

          Once Krishna decided to put an end to Jarasandha. But, it's not a simple task. There is a story behind Jarasandha's power. Jarasandha was born as two half-babies from two mothers. He was later joined into one prison by magic.

         So, if somebofy wants to kill Jarasandha,  he will have to tear him apart. Krishna knew this secret.

        Krishna knew that mighty Bheema could do this. So he met Bheema who was eager to fight. 

         Thus, Krishna, Yudhisthira and Bheema went to magadha, the kingdom of Jsrasanfha. Bheema challenged him for a fight. Jarasandha couldn't contain his anger. He jumped towards Bheema and pushed him back. Bheema lost his balance and fell on the ground.

         But , Bheema scrambled to his feet, ran towards Jarasandha and hit him hard with his cudgel. Jarasandha couldn't withstand Bheema's blow and fell on the ground. 

         Soon a fierce battle ensured. Both fought equally. Bheema didn't know how to defeat Jarasandha. He had forgotten that he had tear Jarasandha apart to destroy him.

          Kridhna understood this. Do you know what he did? He took a leaf and tore it apart. Bheema saw this and immediately understood what Krishna meant. He lost no more time.

      Bheema grabbed Jarasandha's leg and tossed him into the air. Jarasandha flew up like a ball and fell on the ground. Then Bheema tore him apart as Krishna had torn the leaf apart. And that was the end of a brutal king.
