மாணவர்களுக்கு கதைகள், பொது அறிவு தகவல்கள், யோகா, உடல்நலம், அறிஞர் வாழ்வில் என பல பயனுள்ள தகவல்களை நமது வலைத்தளத்தில் தெரிந்துகொள்ளலாம்.


Tuesday 24 August 2021

Did Mermaids really exist? Do you know?


Did  Mermaids really exist?

         Much as we would like to believe in them, these fairy tale creatures were just that. Vivid  manifestations of our imagination. Popular theory goes that, sailors creatures called manatees or sea cows and mistook them for women. Manatees  rise to the surface to breathe and nurse their young by cradling them in their flippers. They also have a human like facial appearance. So seen from a distance, the Manatee might have sparked of the mermaid legend!

The first pizza ever made?

        By Roman soldiers when they added olive oil and cheese to Jewish maizohs, a bread. The pizza that we eat today probably originated in Naples where a thin crust of bread was spread in the middle with tomatoes and anchovies and became known as pizza elnapoletane. The Pizza came to America only about 50 years back, but is one of the most popular  of American foods, today!

Why do some flowers close at night?

           The day's heat makes the inner surfaces of your flower's petals grow. So in the night,  when the temperature goes down, the outer surfaces grow faster than the inner ones, making the flower close. The crocus and morning glory,  for example, open as the temperature increases during the day and close as the day gets cooler in the late afternoon.
