There are many people who believe that the human spirit does survive the body's death, and that it is possible to communicate with these spirits.
People who claim to have the ability to contact act spirits and receive messages from them are called mediums. Some mediums speak in the natural voices when delivering such messages, other go into a trance state. This contact is made at gatherings called seances. The medium sits at a table with a group of people, who all hold or touch hands. These people are told to think only of the Dead friend or relative they wish to contact. The spirit then makes itself heard or felt by rapping on the table. Raising it above the floor, by throwing things around the room, or by guiding the medium's hand in a written message!
How much sleep is enough?
While human beings need 6 to 8 hours of sleep an average, elephants and short- tailed shrews get by on only 2 hours of sleep a day! Gorillas and cats on the other hand sleep for about 14 hours.
Do you know?
Goliath frog of West Africa measures more than 30 inches from nose to toes and weighs about seven pounds!