மாணவர்களுக்கு கதைகள், பொது அறிவு தகவல்கள், யோகா, உடல்நலம், அறிஞர் வாழ்வில் என பல பயனுள்ள தகவல்களை நமது வலைத்தளத்தில் தெரிந்துகொள்ளலாம்.


Tuesday 31 August 2021

Why are Vultures Bald?


Why are Vultures Bald?

                    To keep their heads and necks clean ! Have you seen vultures feeding? They put their heads and necks into the bodies of dead animals. If they had feathers these would get covered with all the gore and mess, which the vultures would not be able to clean. Their bald heads solve  this tricky problem, nicely.

Some Kite Know- How?

         Kites are three hundred years old. The first kites were invented to China, where they were used for religious purposes, for fishing,  for sending signals and for lifting people into the air. This last use makes the kite the first real aircraft in history. As recently as 1904 the British Army began using kites to lift observers up in the air to get a good view of a battlefield or see what enemy troops were doing. Kites are still used today to hoist radio aerials from life-rafts and save shipwrecked sailors or pilots forced down over the sea.

Some Treasure This?

            Robert Louis Stevenson did not sit to write Treasure Island. It happened by and by. First he drew a map to amuse his stepson The child was so intrigued, he wanted a story to go with the map. Stevenson made up the story with each drawing he made. He then liked the stories so much, he put them together and these became the basis for his great novel.

Did you know?

            the largest egg ever laid was that of the extinct aepyornis of Madagascar. The egg was 9.5 inches wide and 13 inches long.
