மாணவர்களுக்கு கதைகள், பொது அறிவு தகவல்கள், யோகா, உடல்நலம், அறிஞர் வாழ்வில் என பல பயனுள்ள தகவல்களை நமது வலைத்தளத்தில் தெரிந்துகொள்ளலாம்.


Wednesday 1 September 2021

Do not plow wide, plow deep

         Santhosh joined a Sangeetha Guru to learn Sangeetha. He used to get up at four in the morning every day and go down to the neck of the river and recite the Psalms. He asked me to sing the same song over and over again.

        It was more boring for Santosh to sing the same song over and over again than to stand in the water teetering in the cold. "After learning all the ragas and songs in three months and seeing that he can win the competitions .... he is telling me to sing what he sang like a worn out record ..." Santosh got angry.

        One day he ran back to the city without telling the Guru. On the way to town a music competition was going on. Santhosh went on stage and sang what the Guru had told him.

           The crowd was mesmerized when they heard Santhosh's song. When Santhosh finishes singing, cheer and aha ... wonderful! Awesome! They greeted and clapped their hands.

"Who is your master? Do you sing as a raga, without even the slightest whimper?" That's what everyone asked. Only then did Santhosh realize why the Guru had told him to sing the same song over and over again.

He regretted that we had run away without understanding his awesomeness. He returned to the Guru to learn Psalms.

Judicial opinion:
               Better a poor horse than no horse at all.
